A Cenotaph, - To The Memory Of Lieutenant-Colonel Isaac, Who Died At Cape St Nichola Mole, 1797.

Oh, hadst thou fall'n, brave youth! on that proud day,[1]
When our victorious fleet o'er the red surge
Rolled in terrific glory, thou hadst fall'n
Most honoured; and Remembrance, while she thought
Upon thy gallant end, had dried her tear!
Now far beyond the huge Atlantic wave
Thy bones decay; the withering pestilence,
That swept the islands of the western world,
Smote thee, untimely drooping to the tomb!
But 'tis enough; whate'er a soldier's fate,
That firm he hied him, where stern honour bade;
Though with unequal strength, he sunk and died.

William Lisle Bowles

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