Submit your Poem

Share your original poems with the world by submitting them to Simple Poetry. We look forward to reading your creations!

The title of your poem might appear truncated in some places if it is too long. Let us know if you have any concerns.

Basic formatting, such as tabulations, spaces, and line breaks, will be preserved. If accepted, your poem will be published as it appears here.

Specify the themes and categories that best describe your poem (e.g., love, nature, social issues). This helps in classifying and showcasing your work appropriately. It will also be used by our search alogrithm to help users find your poem.

Provide any additional information about your poem here. This could include background context, inspiration, metrics, forms, or any specific details you’d like us or the readers to know. It will be used by our search alogrithm to help users find your poem.

Your first name will be displayed to readers.

Your last name will be displayed to readers.

We need your email address to contact you about your poem submission. It will not be shared with anyone or displayed to readers.

Write a brief biography about yourself (200-450 characters). Include relevant information such as your background, writing experience, and any notable achievements. It will be displayed on your profile and used by our search alogrithm to help users find your profile or poems.

Submission Guidelines

  • Submit only original poems.
  • All requested fields must be in English.
  • Avoid hate speech, explicit content, and plagiarism.
  • Provide a valid email address to receive a response.
  • Read and agree to our terms of service and privacy policy.
  • Submissions are not guaranteed to be published.

Existing Poems Publication

If you wish to request the publication of an existing poem that is not your own creation, please visit our contact page and select "Request a Poem Addition" as the reason of contact.