A Small Boy's Desire

        Written for the first thrift stamp drive.

I want to be a soldier
And march away to France;
I want to find a wicked "Hun,"
And shoot him in the pants.

I want to be a soldier,
And wear a khaki suit;
I want to have a sword and gun
And all the "Boches" shoot.

I want to be a soldier,
And have an aeroplane
To drop bombs on the German towns,
And fly back home again.

I want to be a soldier
And do my little bit;
My country needs brave fighting men,
While here at home I sit.

Some day I'll be a big, big man;
I'll go to war and fight
The wicked Hun, or any one
Who does not do what's right.

But now the only way for me
To help my country win,
Is save my coin and buy thrift stamps,
So, boys, let's save our tin.

Alan L. Strang


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