Ah! Happy Was I Yesternight.

    Ah! happy was I yesternight
I trod the paths of love
Within Elysian fields of bliss,
Enchanted bowers above.

A heavenly maiden by my side,
So wondrous fair that e'en
Surrounding nature shared her charms,
Imparted to the scene.

By smiling water-brooks we strolled,
And joyous woods among,
Whose every grove re-echoed tune
From birds that gaily sung.

We breathed the breath of fragrant flowers,
That filled the scented air;
The gentle zephyr fanned our cheeks,
And waved her silken hair.

We glided on through glassy glades,
Where, in the golden glow,
Fantastic forms by fancy framed
Were flitting to and fro.

She seeming spake, but 'twas not speech,
The words were notes of love,
Soft, silver sounds, as though they fell
Strains from the harps above.

The passing rapture of the hour
'Tis folly to recall;
All, all around was paradise,
And she was queen of all.

We parted: broken was the spell;
The blissful dream was o'er;
I stood upon the city street,
Before her father's door.

What though I wildly walked the hills,
Nor any respite found!
My thoughts as ghastly and as dark
As were the shades around.

What though since then in Stygian gloom
My soul to grope is given!
Can earth be else but dull to him,
Who once has tasted heaven?

W. M. MacKeracher

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