
Alone, alone! - the night is very silent,
Voiceless the stars are, and the pallid moon
Through the unknown sends down no tone, no utt'rance
To break the hush of midnight's solemn noon!
I stretch my arms toward the unanswering heavens,
'Tis empty space, - no form, no shape is here!
I call, - no answer to my cry is given,
Powerless my voice falls on Night's leaden ear!

Alone, alone! - I thought the dead were near me, -
The holy dead. E'en now, methought I heard
Low tones whose music long ago did cheer me,
That shadowy hands the parting branches stirred
'Twas but the night wind's mournful sigh above me, -
'Twas but the lonely streamlet's grieving tone,
No voice comes back from those who once did love me, -
No white hand beckons - I am all alone!

Alone? - not so! One sacred, unseen Presence
Fills the far depths, broods round me and above,
Enfolding all in His own Omnipresence,
Pervading all with His unstinted love,
In Him I live, and move, and have my being,
My soul's deep yearnings all to Him are known,
On me in kindness rests His eye all seeing,
His arm upholds me, - I am not alone!

Pamela S. Vining (J. C. Yule)

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