
Genesis 28:10-22.

The sun had set. He was alone;
Mid twilight shadows he would rest.
He laid his head upon a stone
To woo sweet slumber for his guest.

Perhaps within those midnight hours
His rugged bed was cold and chill,
But wrapped in Dreamland's mystic powers,
He knew no danger, felt no ill.

A vision in his dreams appeared!
Angels were stepping to and fro
Upon a ladder which, upreared,
Aided their ministry below.

And then God spake in words which said
What future ages would unfold,
The soil on which he made his bed
Was his, by prophecy foretold.

He further heard that holy voice
Predict that through his tribe would be
Blessings in which all should rejoice,
Blessings which all the world should see.

Through Jacob would the gift be given
Of Jesus to this sinful earth;
God signified within this vision
Glad news of our Redeemer's birth;

The star of Bethlehem would shine,
That star of joy and peace and love,
Our bleeding sacrifice divine
To cleanse our hearts, our guilt remove.

If faith and praise in us abound
Toward Israel's God, angels are near;
His word declares they camp around
All those who look to him in fear.

When Jacob woke, the ground he trod
Seemed holy; and he named his stone
"Bethel," which means "the house of God."
With heaven so near, was he alone?

Nancy Campbell Glass

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