Correspondence Between A Lady And Gentleman, Upon The Advantage Of (What Is Called) "Having Law[1] On One's Side."

The Gentleman's Proposal.

Legge aurea,
S'ei piace, ei lice

Come fly to these arms nor let beauties so bloomy
To one frigid owner be tied;
Your prudes may revile and your old ones look gloomy,
But, dearest, we've Law on our side.

Oh! think the delight of two lovers congenial,
Whom no dull decorums divide;
Their error how sweet and their raptures how venial,
When once they've got Law on their side.

'Tis a thing that in every King's reign has been done too:
Then why should it now be decried?
If the Father has done it why shouldn’t the Son too?
For so argues Law on our side.

And even should our sweet violation of duty
By cold-blooded jurors be tried,
They can but bring it in "misfortune," my beauty,
As long as we've Law on our side.

The Lady's Answer.

Hold, hold, my good Sir, go a little more slowly;
For grant me so faithless a bride,
Such sinners as we, are a little too lovely,
To hope to have Law on our side.

Had you been a great Prince, to whose star shining o'er 'em
The People should look for their guide,
Then your Highness (and welcome!) might kick down decorum--
You'd always have Law on your side.

Were you even an old Marquis, in mischief grown hoary,
Whose heart tho' it long ago died
To the pleasures of vice, is alive to its glory--
You still would have Law on your side.

But for you, Sir, Crim. Con. is a path full of troubles;
By my advice therefore abide,
And leave the pursuit to those Princes and Nobles
Who have such a Law on their side.

Thomas Moore

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