Cupid, Hymen, And Plutus.

        As Cupid, with his band of sprites,
In Paphian grove set things to rights,
And trimmed his bow and tipped his arrows,
And taught, to play with Lesbia, sparrows,
Thus Hymen said: "Your blindness makes,
O Cupid, wonderful mistakes!
You send me such ill-coupled folks:
It grieves me, now, to give them yokes.
An old chap, with his troubles laden,
You bind to a light-hearted maiden;
Or join incongruous minds together,
To squabble for a pin or feather
Until they sue for a divorce;
To which the wife assents - of course."

"It is your fault, and none of mine,"
Cupid replied. "I hearts combine:
You trade in settlements and deeds,
And care not for the heart that bleeds.
You couple them for gold and fee;
Complain of Plutus - not of me."

Then Plutus added: "What can I do? -
The settlement is what they spy to.
Say, does Belinda blame her fate? -
She only asked a great estate.
Doris was rich enough, but humble:
She got a title - does she grumble?
All men want money - not a shoe-tie
Care they for excellence or beauty.
Oh all, my boys, is right enough:
They got the money - hearts is stuff."

John Gay

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