General John B. Gordon.

Facile Princeps.


O gifted one of the Sunny South, with lips so eloquent,
In whose great heart no malice e'er was found!
And now thou art a messenger of Peace, by heaven sent
On mission of fraternity, to heal the cankering wound!


In that dread day when fratricidal strife
Convulsed with passion--crimsoned with its blood--
No nobler son than thou who staked his life
With veterans Gray withstood the overwhelming flood!


No sweeter tribute could be paid by mortal tongue--
No nobler sentiment the human heart could fill--
In grander strains no poet's praises e'er were sung
Of private soldier--than thy words that burn and thrill!


No treasured wrong within thy noble soul
Has tainted with its slimy trail of hate--
No broader love of country could embrace the whole,
Or bow more gracefully to iron hand of fate!


Speak on! And scatter broadcast healing seed
That shall a harvest of good feeling yield--
And Peace, no less than War, shall lend her meed
And crown anew this hero of the bloody field!

George W. Doneghy


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