Here And There

Sweet Phyllis went a-rambling here and there,
Here and there.
Her eyes were blue and golden was her hair.
She said, "Oh, life is strange;
I'm sure I need a change;
'Tis sad for one to ramble here and there,
Here and there."

Young Strephon went a-rambling here and there,
Here and there.
He sighed, "It needs but two to make a pair.
If I should meet a maid
Not in the least afraid,
How happy we'd go rambling here and there,
Here and there."

As youth and maid went rambling here and there,
Here and there,
They met, and loved at sight, for both were fair;
And neither youth nor maid
Was in the least afraid,
And hand in hand they ramble here and there,
Here and there.

Arthur Macy

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