Hymn, Sung At The Ordination Of The Rev. Henry Allen.

We meet to-day as ne'er before,
To greet a pastor of our choice,
Without a single jarring note,
And without one dissenting voice.

Oh thou who art enthroned on high,
Before whom holy angels bow,
Be pleased to hear us when we sing,
Accept the praises offered now.

Let no one present, dare to give,
The service of the lip alone;
Or think if they the heart withhold,
'Twill find acceptance at thy throne.

But with united heart and voice,
A grateful tribute we would raise;
Oh bless us all assembled now,
Help us to pray, and help to praise.

Thou great Immanuel, who didst lead
Thy Israel all the desert through;
Like them we're weak and helpless quite,
Oh! condescend to lead us too.

And when our Shepherd with his flock
Before thy throne shall re-appear,
May every one acceptance find,
And ceaseless praises offer there.

Sept. 1852.

Mary Ann H. T. Bigelow

Suggested Poems

Explore a curated selection of verses that share themes, styles, and emotional resonance with the poem you've just read.