I Gaed A Waefu' Gate Yestreen.

Air - "The blue-eyed lass."


I gaed a waefu' gate yestreen,
A gate, I fear, I'll dearlie rue;
I gat my death frae twa sweet een,
Twa lovely een o' bonnie blue.
'Twas not her golden ringlets bright;
Her lips, like roses, wat wi' dew,
Her heaving bosom, lily-white,
It was her een sae bonnie blue.


She talk'd, she smil'd, my heart she wyl'd;
She charm'd my soul, I wist na how:
And ay the stound, the deadly wound,
Cam frae her een sae bonnie blue.
But spare to speak, and spare to speed;
She'll aiblins listen to my vow:
Should she refuse, I'll lay my dead
To her twa een sae bonnie blue.

Robert Burns

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