Little Dick And The Clock

When Dicky was sick
In the night, and the clock,
As he listened, said "Tick-
Atty - tick-atty - tock!"
He said that it said,
Every time it said "Tick,"
It said "Sick," instead,
And he heard it say "Sick!"
And when it said "Tick-
Atty - tick-atty - tock,"
He said it said "Sick-
Atty - sick-atty - sock!"
And he tried to see then,
But the light was too dim,
Yet he heard it again -
And't was talking to him!

And then it said "Sick-
Atty - sick-atty - sick
You poor little Dick-
Atty - Dick-atty - dock!
Have you got the hick-
Atties? Hi! send for Doc
To hurry up quick
Atty - quick-atty - quock,
And heat a hot brick-
Atty - brick-atty - brock,

And rikle-ty wrap it
And clickle-ty clap it
Against his cold feet-
Al-ty - weep-aty - eepaty -
There he goes, slapit-
Ty - slippaty - sleepaty!"

James Whitcomb Riley

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