Nils Finn (From Halte Hulda)

(see Note)

Now little Nils Finn had away to go;
The skis were too loose at both heel and toe.
- "That's too bad!" rumbled yonder.

Then little Nils Finn in the snow set his feet:
"You ugliest troll, you shall never me cheat!"
- "Hee-ho-ha!" rumbled yonder.

Nils Finn with his staff beat the snow till it blew
"Your trollship, now saw you how hapless it flew?"
- "Hit-li-hu!" rumbled yonder.

Nils Finn pushed one ski farther forward with might;
The other held fast, - he reeled left and right.
- "Pull it up!" rumbled yonder.

Nils' tears wet the snow, while he kicked and he struck;
The more that he kicked there, the deeper he stuck.
- "That was good!" rumbled yonder.

The birch-trees, they danced, and the pine-trees said "Hoo!"
They more were than one, - were a hundred and two.
- "Know your way?" rumbled yonder.

A laugh shook the ridge till it made the snow fly;
But Nils clenched his fists and he swore 't was a lie.
- "Now beware!" rumbled yonder.

The snow-field yawned wide, and the heavens came low;
Nils thought 't was now time for him also to go.
- "Is he gone?" rumbled yonder. -

Two skis in the snow looked about everywhere,
But saw nothing much; for there was nothing there.
- "Where is Nils?" rumbled yonder.

Bjørnstjerne Martinius Bjørnson

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