On Michael Angelo's Famous Piece Of The Crucifixion;

    Who Is Said To Have Stabbed a Person That He Might Draw It More    Naturally.(44)

Whilst his Redeemer on his canvass dies,
Stabb'd at his feet his brother weltering lies:
The daring artist, cruelly serene,
Views the pale cheek and the distorted mien;
He drains off life by drops, and, deaf to cries,
Examines every spirit as it flies:
He studies torment, dives in mortal woe,
To rouse up every pang repeats his blow;
Each rising agony, each dreadful grace,
Yet warm transplanting to his Saviour's face.
Oh glorious theft! oh nobly wicked draught!
With its full charge of death each feature fraught,
Such wondrous force the magic colours boast,
From his own skill he starts in horror lost.

44 Though the report was propagated without the least truth, it may be sufficient ground to justify a poetical fancy's enlarging on it.

Edward Young

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