Par Avium.

Two little birds were sitting on a stone,
One flew away and then there was one,
T’ other flew away and then there was none,
So the poor stone was left all alone.

One of the little birds back again flew,
In came t’ other and then there were two;
Says one bird to t’ other, “How do you do?”
“Very well, I thank you; pray how do you?”

Fama est par avium venisse insistere saxo,
Quarum primâ abeunte superstitit inde secunda:
Illa autem fugiens jam vix vestigia liquit,
Et saxum mœrens in campo luget inani.

Ecce autem rediens avium comparuit una,
Altera non segnis sociam complectitur almam:
Arreptâque manu, “Quid agis dulcissima rerum?”
“Suaviter ut nunc est, et jam cupio omnia quæ vis.”

Jacob Bigelow

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