

I saw how the patient Sun
Hasted untiringly
The self-same old race to run;
Never aspiringly
Seeking some other road
Through the blue heaven
Than the one path which God
Long since had given; -
And I said; - "Patient Sun,
Teach me my race to run,
Even as thine is done,
Steadfastly ever;
Weakly, impatiently
Wandering never!"


I saw how the patient Earth
Sat uncomplainingly,
While, in his boisterous mirth,
Winter disdainingly
Mocked at her steadfast trust,
That, from its icy chain,
Spring her imprisoned dust
Soon would release again; -
And I said; - "Patient Earth,
Biding thy hour of dearth,
Waiting the voice of mirth
Soon to re-waken,
Teach me like thee to trust,
Steadfast, unshaken!"


I saw how the patient Stream
Hasted unceasingly,
Mindless of shade or gleam,
Onward increasingly, -
Widening, deepening
Its rocky bed ever,
That it might thus take in
River by river; -
And I said, - "Patient Stream,
Hasting through shade and gleam,
Careless of noontide beam,
Loitering never,
So teach thou me to press
Onward forever!"


I saw how the Holiest One
Sat in the Heaven,
Watching each earth-born son
Sin-tossed and driven, -
Watching war's mad'ning strife -
Brother 'gainst brother,
Reckless of love and life,
Slaying each other; -
And I said; - "Patient One,
On thy exalted throne,
Never impatient grown
With our dark sinning,
Though all its depth thou'st known
From the beginning -


"Though thy fair Earth has been
Blood-dyed for ages,
Though in her valleys green,
Carnage still rages,
Thou, o'er whose brow serene,
Calmest and Holiest!
Angel has never seen,
E'en toward Earth's lowliest,
Shadows impatient sweep
Teach me, like thee, to keep
In my soul, still and deep,
Wavering never,
Patience - a steady light,
Burning forever!"

Pamela S. Vining (J. C. Yule)

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