
What tho' th' claads aboon luk dark,
Th' sun's just waitin to peep throo;
Let us buckle to awr wark,
For ther's lots o' jobs to do:
Tho' all th' world luks dark an drear,
Let's ha faith, an persevere.

He's a fooil 'at sits an mumps
'Coss some troubles hem him raand!
Man mud allus be i'th dumps,
If he sulk'd 'coss fortun fraand;
Th' time 'll come for th' sky to clear: -
Let's ha faith, an persevere.

If we think awr lot is hard,
Nivver let us mak a fuss;
Lukkin raand, at ivvery yard,
We'st find others war nor us;
We have still noa cause to fear!
Let's ha faith, an persevere.

A faint heart, aw've heeard 'em say,
Nivver won a lady fair:
Have a will! yo'll find a way!
Honest men ne'er need despair.
Better days are drawin near: -
Then ha faith, an persevere.

Workin men, - nah we've a voice,
An con help to mak new laws;
Let us ivver show awr choice
Lains to strengthen virtue's cause,
Wrangs to reighten, - griefs to cheer;
This awr motto - 'Persevere.'

Let us show to foreign empires
Loyalty's noa empty booast;
We can scorn the thirsty vampires
If they dar molest awr cooast:
To awr Queen an country dear
Still we'll cling an persevere.

The printed version in Yorkshire Lyrics finishes here
These two extra verses are from Yorkshire Ditties First Series.

But as on throo life we hurry,
By whativver path we rooam,
Let us ne'er forget i'th' worry,
True reform begins at hooam:
Then, to prove yorsens sincere,
Start at once; an persevere.

Hard wark, happen yo may find it,
Some dear folly to forsake,
Be detarmined ne'er to mind it!
Think, yor honor's nah at stake.
Th' gooid time's drawin varry near!
Then ha faith, an persevere.

John Hartley

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