Queen Victoria

A Prize Birthday Poem, 1885.

We do not sing of vast domain--
Empires as vast as ours are seen,
And o'er their millions despots reign;
We sing the virtues of our Queen.

We think of her when but a maid
The message came, "the King is dead!"
And at her feet a crown was laid;
In deep distress of mind, she said:

"In my behalf I ask your prayers."
Then falling on her knees to pray,
She told the Lord her fears and cares,
And sought from Him strength for her day.

He seemed to say, "Child, do not fear;
I will uphold thee with my hand,
And I will make thy pathway clear,
Thy throne establish in the land."

'Twas thus began Victoria's reign,
And God has made her throne secure;
Her enemies will plot in vain,
For it is destined to endure.

But while she sits on regal throne,
And acts full well a regal part,
She reigns not on the throne alone,
She reigns to-day in England's heart.

Her queenly heart with pity throbs
For every suffering subject's woes;
In lowly cot, 'midst groans and sobs,
She like a ray of sunshine goes.

As sweet perfume by outward gale
Is carried far o'er sea and land,
So queenly virtues never fail
To touch true hearts on every strand.

In every land, her name is blest;
She is beloved by old and young;
From pole to pole, from east to west,
The song, "God save the Queen," is sung.

Through sorrows deep her path has led,
And tender ties have sundered been;
Bright hopes were buried with her dead,
And love has kept their memory green.

By grief secluded from the world,
Her path through lonely years she trod,
And oft her life has been imperilled;
But she has leaned upon her God.

And as she wept a nation's tears
In heartfelt sympathy were shed;
Forgetting their own griefs and biers,
They wept beside the royal dead.

With grateful hearts her natal day
We loyal Britons hail again,
And join with millions as they pray
"God bless our Queen! Long may she reign!"

And when at last life's glories fade,
And robes of state are laid aside,
When nature's debt to dust is paid
And charms no more earth's pomp and pride,

May angel bands her spirit bear
Up to the palace of her King,
Where she a fadeless crown shall wear,
And the new song with rapture sing.

Joseph Horatio Chant

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