Rex Arthurus.

When King Arthur ruled the land,
He ruled it like a king:
He bought four pecks of barley-meal
To make a brave pudding.

A pudding brave the king did make
And stuffed it well with plums;
Great lumps of suet he put into it,
As big as both his thumbs.

The king and queen partook thereof,
And all the court beside;
And what they did not eat that night,
The queen next morning fried.

Angliæ rex imperio potitus,
Hordei nactus modium farinæ,
Ordinat cœnâ properè institutâ
Sternere mensam.

Mira farrago exoritur culinâ,
Turgidis uvis maculata passis
Intus et frustis adipis referta
Pollicis instar.

Rex et affines epulantur omnes
Principes magni dominæque lectæ:
Alma regina exoriente luce
Fragmina frixit.

Jacob Bigelow

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