The Flowers

Some flowers are brighter far in hue
Than others by their side,
But God baptizes all with dew,
And spreads His mantle wide
To cover all for half the day,
From rays of scorching sun,
Though some may shine in colors gay,
And some in sober dun.

And I account each one my friend,
The stately and the plain.
Diverse their hue, but not their end;
For me none bloom in vain;
For all proclaim their Maker's skill,
And point to bloom above;
In God's great plan their part fulfil,
And whisper "God is love."

The fragrance lades the summer air
With health-inspiring germs,
Ascend on high as nature's prayer,
Suggesting well the terms
Of God-accepted prayer from man,
Odors of grateful praise;
For though in penitence began,
It ends in joyful lays.

Joseph Horatio Chant

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