The Last Look Is Taken

The last look is taken, the last word is said
Haste away o'er the waves, then, glad tidings to spread;
Thy Master has called thee, no longer delay,
His work it is glorious, haste, haste thee away.
Come, set the sails, mariner, now we're off shore,
Then weep for the loved ones thou leavest no more;
He is faithful who promised, thou heard'st Him declare
That all thou intrusts to his fatherly care
He will keep in the sheltering fold of his love,
Where nothing shall harm them and nothing shall move.
He will suffer no plague nigh thy dwelling to come,
And His angels shall guard thee wherever thou roam;
No weapon shall prosper that's formed against thee,
For the truth thou hast loved, shield and buckler shall be.
This the heritage is of the child of the Lord,
Of him who confides in his covenant word,
And freely forsakes, when his Saviour commands,
His brethren, and sisters, and children, and lands.
Though the ocean may roar, and earth shake with the swell,
His home is in Jesus, and all will be well;
Though the mountains depart, and the hills may remove,
He quietly rests 'neath the wing of His love.
He knows that the work of the righteous is peace,
That the blessed effect thereof never shall cease;
A gracious assurance of quietude here,
And bliss without end in a holier sphere.
So, Christian, God speed thee, and should the storm lower,
Cast firmly thine anchor, and trust in His power.
His voice than the billows is mightier far,
And His mercy is o'er thee a safe guiding star.
But oh! when the clouds have all vanished away,
And life smiles around thee, a bright summer's day,
When the breeze wafts thee onward, and no rocks appear,
Then, Christian, thine hour of peril is near;
The world may frown on thee, but oh! should it smile,
Come apart to the desert, and rest thee awhile.

Eliza Paul Kirkbride Gurney

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