The Little Cock-Sparrow


A little cock-sparrow sat on a high tree,
A little cock-sparrow sat on a high tree,
A little cock-sparrow sat on a high tree,
And he chirrupped, he chirrupped so merrily.
He chirrupped, he chirrupped, he chirrupped, he chirrupped,
He chirrupped, he chirrupped, he chirrupped, he chirrupped,
A little cock-sparrow sat on a high tree,
And he chirrupped, he chirrupped so merrily.


A naughty little boy with a bow and arrow,
Determined to shoot this little cock-sparrow;


For this little cock-sparrow would make a nice stew,
And his giblets would make a nice little pie too.


"Oh, no," says cock-sparrow, "I won't make a stew,"
And he fluttered his wings, and away he flew.

Walter Crane

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