The Meddlesome Child.

Little Lucy was left in the room once alone,
Where the table was set out for tea;
She looked all around, and she thought to herself
That no one was there who could see.

Then she climbed on a chair and took off the top
Of the sugar-bowl, shining and bright;
And there were the lumps of the sugar she loved,
All looking so nice and so white!

Then she said to herself, "Mamma never will know,
If I take away only just one;"
So she took it, and ate it;--it tasted so good,
She thought, "But one more, and I've done."

But while she was reaching her hand out for more,
The chair slipped away from her feet;
And poor little Lucy soon wished much that she
Had not taken the sugar so sweet:

For her head struck the floor, and made such a noise,
That every one hastened to see;
And all of them knew, by the sugar she held,
How naughty Miss Lucy could be!

And no one was sorry, although her poor head
Ached sadly because of her fall;
For little girls never--so every one said--
Should taste or should meddle at all.

H. P. Nichols


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