The Tazzelworm.

        Als noch ein Bergsee klar und gross
In dieser Thäler Tiefen floss,
Hab'ich allhier in grober Pracht
Gelebt, geliebt und auch gedracht
Als Tazzelwurm.

Tazzelworm is a provincial German word for a dragon. This was a song sung at the fête of hanging up the sign of the Fiery Tazzelworm at a little mountain tavern in Rehau, on the road over the Audorfen mountain meadows, in the Tyrol.

When yet a lake from mountains grand
Ran down yon valleys through the land,
Here I a great flash vulgar thing
Lived, loved, and went a-dragoning
As Tazzelworm,

From Pentling unto Wendelstein,
Were rock and air and water mine,
I walked and flew, and kicked and rolled,
And 'stead of hay I slept on gold,
As Tazzelworm.

My scaly skin was all of horn,
And fire I spit since I was born;
Whatever up the mountain came,
I killed and gobbled it for game,
As Tazzelworm.

But when I so forgot God's law,
And ate up shepherd maidens raw,
Came Noah's food, with all its fogs,
And knocked my business to the dogs,
As Tazzelworm.

And now you see me painted, shine
On Schweinesteiger's bran-new sign.
The shepherd maidens laugh in choir,
And not a mortal fears the fire
Of Tazzelworm.

And oft some learned chap will shout
Before my eyes: 'His games played out!
He lived before the flood washed round,
But men of science never found
A Tazzelworm.'

Weak-minded sceptic! enter here,
Mix up Tyróler wine and beer,
But ere you come to Kuffstein - whew!
You'll find that I have breathed on you,
As Tazzelworm.

And Klausen's landlord sad will say,
'By Jove - whence did those fellows stray?
Their legs are loose - their heads arn't firm,
They all have seen the Tazzelworm,
The Tazzelworm.'

Translated From The German Of Joseph Victor Scheffel By Charles G. Leland.

Joseph Victor von Scheffel

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