
    (New version.)

I'm not going to Tipperary for I've better work to do,
I am dreaming of a new device to catch each German crew;
And when we've chased them thro' the deep, Ach Gott! what fun there'll be
Rounding up the Teuton "subs" in the blue and vasty sea.
So, good-bye, Tipperary! Farewell, Slieve-na-mon!
I leave you for a season to chase the murderous Hun;
Von Tirpitz knows their hiding-place and I'll find out, too,
So, good-bye, Tipperary, till we've caught each pirate crew.

Then I'll go to Tipperary with its hills of emerald green,
Where the skies are full of splendor and each peasant girl a queen;
Where the men know naught but honor and where duty is their goal;
Where the shadows from the mountains are but sunlight to the soul.
So, good-bye, Tipperary, till we've rounded up each crew,
Then I'll turn my face to greet you for to you I'll e'er be true;
So I'm off to chase the pirates and the ocean aisles to sweep,
Ach Himmel, Tipperary! there'll be fun upon the deep.

For Rev. J. B. Bollard.

Thomas O'Hagan

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