What The Birds Say.

"I hear the birds sing, mother,
Yet know not what they say;
I've listened to them often
Until they flew away.

"Say if their words, dear mother,
To you are clear and plain,
Or if, like me, you've listened
At morn and night in vain."

"We don't know what they say, dear;
We think they sing their hymn
At early morning sunrise,
Or at the twilight dim.

"When softly sings the mother,
Within her downy nest,
We think she's gently hushing
Her little ones to rest.

"But this remember, darling,
The birds are always kind;
A cross or angry songster
I never yet could find.

"And you may learn a lesson
From their sweet notes of love;
Like them be always gentle,
And please the God above."

H. P. Nichols


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