Willy And His Sister.

Willy said to his sister,
"Please may I go with you?"
She said, "You must behave
Very nicely if you do."

"Please will you take me then
To look at the mill?"
"Yes," she said, "because you are
So very good I will."

"The miller he is
So very white and kind;
And sprinkled all over
With the flour they grind.

"And the big heaps of corn
That lie upon the floor;
He will let me play with those
I am quite sure.

"I like to hear the wheel
Make such a rushing sound,
And see the pretty water
Go round, and round, and round.

"So take me to the mill,
For then you shall see
What a very, very good boy
I really mean to be."

Kate Greenaway

Suggested Poems

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