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Scene A Garden,
Margaret. Faust.MARGARET.DOST thou believe in God?FAUST. Doth mortal liveWho dares to say that he believes in God?Go, bid the priest a truthful answer give,Go, ask the wisest who on earth e'er trod,Their answer will appear to beGiven alone in mockery.MARGARET.Then thou dost not believe? This sayest thou?FAUST.Sweet love, mistake not what I utter now!Who knows His name?Who dares proclaim:Him I believe?Who so can feelHis heart to steelTo sari believe Him not?The All-Embracer,The All-Sustained,Holds and sustains He notThee, me, Himself?Hang not the heavens their arch overhead?Lies not the earth beneath us, firm?<...
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Amour 29
O eyes! behold your happy Hesperus,That luckie Load-starre of eternall light,Left as that sunne alone to comfort vs,When our worlds sunne is vanisht out of sight.O starre of starres! fayre Planet mildly moouing,O Lampe of vertue! sun-bright, euer shyning,O mine eyes Comet! so admyr'd by louing,O cleerest day-starre! neuer more declyning.O our worlds wonder! crowne of heauen aboue,Thrice happy be those eyes which may behold thee!Lou'd more then life, yet onely art his loueWhose glorious hand immortal hath enrold thee! O blessed fayre! now vaile those heauenly eyes, That I may blesse mee at thy sweet arise.
Michael Drayton
He Prayeth Best Who Loveth Best
"He prayeth best who loveth best All things, both great and small; For the dear God who loveth us, He made and loveth all."
Louisa May Alcott
There is no Breeze to Cool the Heat of Love
The listless Palm-trees catch the breeze above The pile-built huts that edge the salt Lagoon,There is no Breeze to cool the heat of love, No wind from land or sea, at night or noon.Perfumed and robed I wait, my Lord, for you, And my heart waits alert, with strained delight,My flowers are loath to close, as though they knew That you will come to me before the night.In the Verandah all the lights are lit, And softly veiled in rose to please your eyes,Between the pillars flying foxes flit, Their wings transparent on the lilac skies.Come soon, my Lord, come soon, I almost fear My heart may fail me in this keen suspense,Break with delight, at last, to know you near. Pleasure is one with Pain, if too intense....
Adela Florence Cory Nicolson
Love is a breach in the walls, a broken gate,Where that comes in that shall not go again;Love sells the proud heart's citadel to Fate.They have known shame, who love unloved. Even then,When two mouths, thirsty each for each, find slaking,And agony's forgot, and hushed the cryingOf credulous hearts, in heaven, such are but takingTheir own poor dreams within their arms, and lyingEach in his lonely night, each with a ghost.Some share that night. But they know love grows colder,Grows false and dull, that was sweet lies at most.Astonishment is no more in hand or shoulder,But darkens, and dies out from kiss to kiss.All this is love; and all love is but this.
Rupert Brooke
I Remembered
There never was a mood of mine,Gay or heart-broken, luminous or dull,But you could ease me of its feverAnd give it back to me more beautiful.In many another soul I broke the bread,And drank the wine and played the happy guest,But I was lonely, I remembered you;The heart belong to him who knew it best.
Sara Teasdale
Love Is Home
Love is the part, and love is the whole; Love is the robe, and love is the pall; Ruler of heart and brain and soul, Love is the lord and the slave of all! I thank thee, Love, that thou lov'st me; I thank thee more that I love thee. Love is the rain, and love is the air, Love is the earth that holdeth fast; Love is the root that is buried there, Love is the open flower at last! I thank thee, Love all round about, That the eyes of my love are looking out. Love is the sun, and love is the sea; Love is the tide that comes and goes; Flowing and flowing it comes to me; Ebbing and ebbing to thee it flows! Oh my sun, and my wind, and tide! My sea, and my shore, and all beside!
George MacDonald
Her Beauty
Her true beauty leaves behindApprehensions in my mindOf more sweetness than all artOr inventions can impart;Thoughts too deep to be expressed,And too strong to be suppressed....... What pearls, what rubies canSeem so lovely fair to man,As her lips whom he doth loveWhen in sweet discourse they move:Or her lovelier teeth, the whileShe doth bless him with a smile!Stars indeed fair creatures be;Yet amongst us where is heJoys not more the whilst he liesSunning in his mistress' eyes.Than in all the glimmering lightOf a starry winter's night? Note the beauty of an eye,And if aught you praise it byLeave such passion in your mind,Let my reason's eye be blind.Mark if ever red or whiteAnywhere gave such delight...
George Wither
Lute Song
What will you send her,What will you tell her,That shall unbend her,That shall compel her?Love, that shall fold herSo naught can sever;Truth, that shall hold herEver and ever.What will you do thenSo she 'll ne' er grieve you?Knowing you true thenNever will leave you?I 'll lay before here,There in her bower,Aye to adore her,My heart like a flower.
Madison Julius Cawein
Economy [A Valentine]
I send,O sweetest friend,A kiss;Such as fair ladies gaveOf old, when knights were brave,And smiles were wonThrough foes undone.And this will beFor you to give again to me;And then, its present errand o'er,I'll give it unto you once more,Ere briefest time elapse,With interest, perhaps.Its mission spent,Again to me it may be lent.And thus, day after day,As we a simple law obey,Forever, to and fro,The selfsame kiss will go;A busy shuttle that shall weaveA web of love, to soften and relieveOur daily care.And so,As thus we share,With lip to lip,Our frugal partnership,One kiss will always doFor two.And, oh, how easy it will beTo practice this economy!
Arthur Macy
A Waltz.
Delicate gayety,Strains of a violin;Graceful steps begin -Roses at her waist!Clouds of sparkling light,Whispers of lovers aloneAs the couples drift one by oneIn the golden sheen of the ball.Alone in the happy crowdEach pair glides past each pair;Delicate strains of an air;Rainbow gayety:Pride of the moment throbs,Smiles, on the youthful cheek,Fearing no ill-wind's freak,Warm in the heart of the waltz; -Moving like melody,Flowing in light and glee,Young as the May is she,Strong as the June I am.
Rose Hawthorne Lathrop
To Isabel.
I often thought to write to thee, what timeI almost fancied heaven-born, genius mine,And fondly hoped my island harp to wake,To some new strain sung for my country's sake.'Twas a vain hope and yet its presence smiledUpon my day dreams when I was a child,And only faded when my heart grew cold,For head and heart alike are getting old.Had I been gifted, some bright lay would be,With touching melody, poured forth for thee.Now, what I think the best I wish for thee. * * *May you never be a stranger; Ever living with your own,With the same eyes beaming round you, That on your childhood shone.Friendship knitting true hearts to you, From youth to kindly age;And affection brightenin...
Nora Pembroke
Love Of Nature
I love thee, Nature, with a boundless love!The calm of earth, the storm of roaring woods!The winds breathe happiness where'er I rove!There's life's own music in the swelling floods!My heart is in the thunder-melting clouds,The snow-cap't mountain, and the rolling sea!And hear ye not the voice where darkness shroudsThe heavens? There lives happiness for me!My pulse beats calmer while His lightnings play!My eye, with earth's delusions waxing dim,Clears with the brightness of eternal day!The elements crash round me! It is He!Calmly I hear His voice and never start.From Eve's posterity I stand quite free,Nor feel her curses rankle round my heart.Love is not here. Hope is, and at His voice--The rolling thunder and the roaring sea--...
John Clare
Dear Little Ethel.
Dear little Ethel, Child that I love,Come, as an angel, Down from above.Golden-rayed tresses, Shining and bright,Inviting caresses, Mirroring light.Eyes blue and tender, Beaming with joy.Who would offend her? Who would annoy?Ripple thy laughter! Bubble thy glee!Loud will the rafter Echo to thee.Clinging to mother, Set on her knee;She has no other Dearer than thee.Slave thou hast bound her; Nestles thine arm,Twining around her, Telling thy charm.Innocent speeches Silencing strife;Hallowed each is: Pearls of a life.Come, come and kiss me, Child of my heart.Oh! I would miss thee<...
Wilfred Skeats
A Song Of Love
Love reckons not by time - its May days of delightAre swifter than the falling stars that pass beyond our sight.Love reckons not by time - its moments of despairAre years that march like prisoners, who drag the chains they wear.Love counts not by the sun - it hath no night or day -'Tis only light when love is near - 'tis dark with love away.Love hath no measurements of height, or depth, or space,But yet within a little grave it oft hath found a place.Love is its own best law - its wrongs seek no redress;Love is forgiveness - and it only knoweth how to bless.
Virna Sheard
Love Cannot Die
In crime and enmity they lieWho sin and tell us love can die,Who say to us in slander's breathThat love belongs to sin and death.From heaven it came on angel's wingTo bloom on earth, eternal spring;In falsehood's enmity they lieWho sin and tell us love can die.Twas born upon an angel's breast.The softest dreams, the sweetest rest,The brightest sun, the bluest sky,Are love's own home and canopy.The thought that cheers this heart of mineIs that of love; love so divineThey sin who say in slander's breathThat love belongs to sin and death.The sweetest voice that lips contain,The sweetest thought that leaves the brain,The sweetest feeling of the heart--There's pleasure in its very smart.The scent of rose and cinna...
This is the time for birds to mate; To-day the dove Will mark the ancient amorous date With moans of love; The crow will change his call to prate His hopes thereof. The starling will display the red That lights his wings; The wren will know the sweet things said By him who swings And ducks and dips his crested head And sings and sings. They are obedient to their blood, Nor ask a sign, Save buoyant air and swelling bud, At hands divine, But choose, each in the barren wood, His valentine. In caution's maze they nev...
John Charles McNeill
The world is full of gems to-day, The world is full of love;The earth is strewn with star-gemmed flowers That fall from skies above.The sunshine is a stream of gold That flows from flower to flower;The shadows are but passing thoughts That mark each shining hour.The pansy nods her purple head, And sings a silent song;Her life is full of sunny hours-- The days are never long.The rose uplifts her sun-crowned head; She is the queen of love;Her eyes behold the hidden stars That glow in skies above.There is a fragrance in the air, A glory in the sky;Oh, who would sigh for other days, Or grieve for things gone by?
Fannie Isabelle Sherrick