

My love went berrying
Where brooks were merrying
And wild wings ferrying
Heaven's amethyst;
The wildflowers blessed her,
My dearest Hester,
The winds caressed her,
The sunbeams kissed.


I followed, carrying
Her basket; varying
Fond hopes of marrying
With hopes denied;
Both late and early
She deemed me surly,
And bowed her curly
Fair head and sighed:


"The skies look lowery;
It will he showery;
No longer flowery
The way I find.
No use in going.
'T will soon be snowing
If you keep growing
Much more unkind."


Then looked up tearfully.
And I, all fearfully,
Replied, "My dear, fully
Will I explain:
I love you dearly,
But look not cheerly
Since all says clearly
I love in vain."


Then smiled she airily;
And answered merrily
With words that - verily
Made me decide:
And drawing tow'rd her,
I there implored her -
I who adored her -
To be my bride.


O sweet simplicity
Of young rusticity,
Without duplicity,
Whom love made know,
That hearts in meter
Make earth completer;
And kisses, sweeter
Than - berries grow.

Madison Julius Cawein

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