Lake Mahopac Saturday Night.

        "Yes, I'm here, I suppose you're delighted:
You'd heard I was not coming down!
Why I've been here a week! 'rather early'
I know, but it's horrid in town

A Boston? Most certainly, thank you.
This music is perfectly sweet;
Of course I like dancing in summer;
It's warm, but I don't mind the heat.

The clumsy thing! Oh! how he hurt me!
I really can't dance any more
Let's walk see, they're forming a Lancers;
These square dances are such a bore.

My cloak oh! I really don't need it
Well, carry it, so, in the folds
I hate it, but Ma made me bring it;
She's frightened to death about colds.

This is rather cooler than dancing.
They're lovely piazzas up here;
Those lanterns look sweet in the bushes,
It's lucky the night is so clear.

I am rather tired in this corner?
Very well, if you like I don't care
But you'll have to sit on the railing
You see there is only one chair.

'So long since you've seen me' oh, ages!
Let's see, why it's ten days ago
'Seems years' oh! of course don't look spooney
It isn't becoming, you know.

How bright the stars seem to-night, don't they?
What was it you said about eyes?
How sweet! why you must be a poet
One never can tell till he tries.

Why can't you be sensible, Harry!
I don't like men's arms on my chair.
Be still! if you don't stop this nonsense
I'll get up and leave you; so there!

Oh! please don't I don't want to hear it
A boy like you talking of love.
'My answer!' Well, sir, you shall have it
Just wait till I get off my glove.

See that? Well, you needn't look tragic,
It's only a solitaire ring,
Of course I am 'proud of it' very
It's rather an elegant thing.

Engaged! yes why, didn't you know it?
I thought the news must have reached here
Why, the wedding will be in October
The 'happy man' Charley Leclear.

Now don't blame me I tried to stop you
But you would go on like a goose;
I'm sorry it happened forget it
Don't think of it don't what's the use?

There's somebody coming don't look so
Get up on the railing again
Can't you seem as if nothing had happened?
I never saw such geese as men!

Ah, Charley, you've found me! A galop?
The 'Bahn frei?' Yes; take my bouquet
And my fan, if you will now I'm ready
You'll excuse me, of course, Mr. Gray."

George Augustus Baker, Jr.

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