Matinal Musings.

        Ten o'clock! Well, I'm sure I can't help it!
I'm up go away from the door!
Now, children, I'll speak to your mother
If you pound there like that any more.

How tired I do feel? Where's that cushion?
I don't want to move from this chair;
I wish Marie'd make her appearance!
I really can't do my own hair.

I wish I'd not danced quite so often
I knew I'd feel tired! but it's hard
To refuse a magnificent dancer
If you have a place left on your card.

I was silly to wear that green satin,
It's a shame that I've spotted it so
All down the front breadth it's just ruined
No trimming will hide that, I know.

That's me! Have a costume imported,
And spoil it the very first night!
I might make an overskirt of it,
That shade looks so lovely with white.

How horrid my eyes look! Good gracious!
I hope that I didn't catch cold
Sitting out on the stairs with Will Stacy;
If Ma knew that, wouldn't she scold!

She says he's so fast well, who isn't?
Dear! where is Marie? how it rains!
I don't care; he's real nice and handsome.
And his talk sounds as if he'd some brains.

I do wonder what is the reason,
That good men are all like Joe Price,
So poky, and stiff, and conceited,
And fast ones are always so nice.

Just see how Joe acted last evening!
He didn't come near me at all,
Because I danced twice with Will Stacy
That night at the Charity ball.

I didn't care two pins to do it;
But Joe said I mustn't, and so
I just did he isn't my master,
Nor sha'n't be, I'd like him to know.

I don't think he looked at me even,
Though just to please him I wore green,
And I'd saved him three elegant dances,
I wouldn't have acted so mean.

The way he went on with Nell Hadley;
Dear me! just as if I would care!
I'd like to see those two get married,
They'd make a congenial pair!

I'm getting disgusted with parties;
I think I shall stop going out;
What's the use of this fussing for people
I don't care the least bit about.

I did think that Joe had some sense once;
But, my, he's just like all the men!
And the way that I've gone on about him,
Just see if I do it again!

Only wait till the next time I see him,
I'll pay him back; wont I be cool!
I've a good mind to drop him completely
I'll yes I will go back to school.

The bell! who can that be, I wonder!
Let's see I declare! why, it's Joe!
How long they are keeping him waiting!
Good gracious! why don't the girl go!

Yes say I'll be down in a minute
Quick, Marie, and do up my hair!
Not that bow the green one Joe likes it
How slow you are! I'll pin it there!

George Augustus Baker, Jr.

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