The Sonnets Of Tommaso Campanella - The Philosopher.

Gran fortuna è 'l saper.

Wisdom is riches great and great estate,
Far above wealth; nor are the wise unblest
If born of lineage vile or race oppressed:
These by their doom sublime they illustrate.

They have their griefs for guerdon, to dilate
Their name and glory; nay, the cross, the sword
Make them to be like saints or God adored;
And gladness greets them in the frowns of fate:

For joys and sorrows are their dear delight;
Even as a lover takes the weal and woe
Felt for his lady. Such is wisdom's might.

But wealth still vexes fools; more vile they grow
By being noble; and their luckless light
With each new misadventure burns more low.

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

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